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Crowdlending and Fintech are topics of national and international interest. Take a look and be inspired.
We are pleased that you are interested in current and past press releases about Cashare as well as valuable news from the fintech industry.
Here you will find a selection of important information that we are happy to share with the public in renowned business and financial magazines as well as TV channels.
Trust the pioneers when it comes to crowd and P2P lending and benefit from the most innovative crowdlending platform in Switzerland - fully automated – with attractive opportunities for borrowers and investors.
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«Wir lehnen 90 Prozent aller Kreditanträge ab»
Das ist die passende Finanzierung für Ihr KMU
Le crowdlending: une solution attrayante pour le financement immobilie
Michael Borter, Gründer und CEO Cashare, im Interview
Crowdlending als Alternative zum klassischen Bankkredit
Le crowdfunding pénalisé par les taux élevés et la recherche d’emprunteurs plus solvables
CS-Ende spielt Schweizer Crowdlending-Pionier in die Hände
Fintech Cashare vermag Zinswende für sich zu nutzen
So werden Sie zum Kredithai
EU will Verbraucherschutz bei Online-Krediten stärken
Wie die Banken im Kreditgeschäft ausgebootet werden
Marketplace Lending Volume in Switzerland Rose 20% in 2021
Warum Banken 18.5 Milliarden Franken Kreditvolumen verpassen
Online-Plattformen für Kreditvergabe legen schnell zu
Kredite und Investitionen von der Crowd ziehen wieder kräftig an
Crowdfunding wächst rasant weiter
A holiday for investors who invest in loans (only available with online access)
Swiss crowdlending fintechs praise new scope (update)
Crowdlending: Goldene Mitte aus Risiko und Rendite
Crowdlending: Loans without banks
Die Chancen und Risiken von Crowdfunding – das solltest du wissen
Relevanz von Marketplace Lending in der Schweiz steigt
Corona hinterlässt Spuren beim Crowdfunding in der Schweiz
Der Crowdfunding-Markt legt weiter zu, im Corono-Jahr 2020 allerdings mit einigen Dellen
Corona sorgt 2020 für Crowdfunding-Welle
Loans and investments without a bank: How does it work?
Direct loans as an interest-bearing form of investment
Crowdlending: When Private Bankers Play
Fairly financed training with Cashare
Crowdlending: Investors play banker
Crowdlending: the acid test is still to come
Cashare launches voucher campaign for SMEs
Harald Schnabel moves back to the Cashare Advisory Board
Harald Schnabel: From Fintech to the Berne Stock Exchange and back again
Harald Schnabel back at Cashare
Harald Schnabel back at Cashare
Private loans are an oasis in the yield desert
Thousands of customers pay too much
The swarm lending business is growing rapidly and moving away from the basic idea
Applications for crypto assets
Change in the law helps the crowdlending business
P2P Lending Cashare team with new CFO
How digitalisation helps to save costs
Cashare brokers loans against cryptocurrencies as collateral
Cashare, the pioneer in crowdlending in Switzerland, partners with Aave to tap into the secured lending industry through digital assets
Cashare, the pioneer in crowdlending in Switzerland, partners with Aave to tap into the secured lending industry through digital assets
Kooperation von Crowdlending-Pionier Cashare und Aave
How a menstrual chocolate was funded
What investors should bear in mind when crowdfunding
The crowdfunding business is humming - and Zug prepared the breeding ground
Cooperation between crowdlending pioneer Cashare and AXA Insurance
Cashare enters into cooperation with Axa Versicherungen
Record in Swiss crowdfunding: 375 million Swiss francs brokered
Save money on banking transactions
Notenstein banker strengthens fintech
New providers lure with loans at rock-bottom interest rates
FinTech News: 10 years of Cashare - start of the fintech era
The Confederation screws up Swiss fintech regulation
Cashare: Sensational return with real estate pledge as collateral
The money comes from the net
Half-hearted new fintech rules
Premature jubilation about the new fintech regulation / Rule of 20 only for SME loans
Swiss increasingly rely on crowdfunding
A breath of fresh air in the lending business: peer-to-peer lending in Switzerland
Cashare expands Advisory Board
Crowdlending pioneer closes financing round
Companies get a financial injection on the internet
Companies get a financial injection on the internet
Credit platform turns private individuals into mini-banks
Cleantech meets Fintech - Megatrends without nuclear power
The vote on the nuclear phase-out initiative is imminent and raises, among other things, the question of how sustainable energy can best be financed.
Fintech in action for renewable energies
News in brief - November 2016
Crowdlending platform Cashare has entered into a cooperation with renewable energy provider Fairpower to finance solar installations.
Fintech - (R)evolution of the Swiss financial industry
Everyone is talking about fintech. But where does the word come from, what is behind it, and what history has the digitalisation of the Swiss financial sector taken to date?
No more going to the bank for the loan
"Disruptive" is a favourite word of Michael Borter. Innovations are "disruptive" when they potentially displace existing services completely.
Loans for yield
Bank, goodbye! On online platforms, private investors grant loans directly. The risk is lower than you think and the returns are impressive.
Quando la tecnologia sostituisce il banchiere
From the diary of a Swiss fintech pioneer (p. 12-13)
From idea to FinTech - Cashare's story begins some time before its founding in January 2008.
Crowdlending finances children's bike project
UrbanRider has been producing bicycles since 2012, which customers can design themselves online or in the shop.
The loan from the internet instead of from the bank
Crowdlending platforms make it easier or cheaper for some people to get a loan than from a bank. The Swiss market leader is based in Hünenberg. The company brokers millions in loans to private individuals and SMEs every year.
Seven questions for Michael Borter
The era of Crowdlending opens new market for startups
Crowdlending in Switzerland is still in the early stage yet significant growth results have been recorded. Last year, a growth rate of +126% was recorded with CHF 7.9 million invested in 266 projects.
Which crowdlending providers are shaping the Swiss market?
In 2015, just under CHF 8 million was brokered via lending platforms in Switzerland. The crowdlending industry in Switzerland is currently still small and is dominated by young companies.
"FinTech Made in Switzerland" Interview Michael Borter, Cashare
The film maps the FinTech ecosystem in Switzerland in conversations with startup founders, financial sector thought leaders, banks, regulators, politicians, and financial experts.
Swiss business association keen to play a bigger role
As both Singapore and Switzerland place great value on human capital and local talent, developing them further offers an avenue for fruitful mutual cooperation, says Tom Ludescher....
More and more crowdfunding platforms are entering the market
18Immer mehr Crowdfunding-Plattformen drängen auf den Markt
Better to go online than to the bank
The investor becomes the bank
The rules of the game are changing in the consumer credit market. Thanks to internet platforms, everyone can become a lender.
High growth in crowdfunding in Switzerland
High growth in crowdfunding in Switzerland
Cashare brokers loans of over one million francs per month
The crowdlending platform Cashare broke through a sound barrier in the first quarter of 2016. For the first time, more than one million francs per month were brokered. Personal loans and the new SME loan product contributed to the success.
Where should I get a loan?
"The financial crisis gave us more credibility".
Crowdlending platforms want to take away the market from established consumer credit banks. In the cash interview, Michael Borter, CEO of the first Swiss crowdlending platform Cashare, gives an overview of the business.
Peer-to-peer business away from the banks
Investing in a start-up, taking out a loan, transferring money or managing assets: Such activities now (also) take place between private individuals. We present four examples
Swiss P2P lending marketplace Cashare becomes part of Deutsche Börse Venture Network
With the Venture Network, Deutsche Börse Group helps to improve the financing situation of young and high-growth companies.
Cashare becomes part of the Deutsche Börse Venture Network
Deutsche Börse Venture Network now includes the Swiss crowdlending pioneer Cashare in its innovative programme with leading growth companies and national and international investors.
Zug fintech Cashare makes it to the source
Deutsche Börse Venture Network now includes Cashare in its innovative programme of leading growth companies and national and international investors.
Swiss fintech company Cashare has been accepted into the Deutsche Börse Venture Network
Cashare thus gains access to an international network of partners and investors. Cashare operates a platform for brokering loans.
Click, click, credit
The number of new providers of loans with efficient technological platforms is growing rapidly. They are increasingly taking customers away from traditional banks.
SME loans via crowdfunding - the Swiss market is moving
Crowdlending was only offered to private borrowers in Switzerland for a long time. As a Swiss pioneer in this field, Cashare has been brokering loans (consumer loans) between private individuals since 2008.
Crowdsourcing has become alternative
Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing - a problem for traditional companies? Jan Marco Leimeister from the University of St. Gallen rather sees the opportunities. And he explains what crowdsourcing has to do with gummy bears.
Comment investir dans le crowdfunding
The world of participatory finance is not very regulated. You must therefore carefully examine the conditions of the platform on which you invest. The return can be worth the effort.
Le nombre de plateformes va diminuer
In the field of participatory finance, crowd lending, i.e. the granting of loans between individuals, is the segment that made the most progress in Switzerland in 2014, with a volume of loans that doubled to CHF 3.5 million last year.
Private banking without a bank advisor
Fintech is the new buzzword in the financial industry. Who the newcomers are, what it means for customers in concrete terms and how banks are preparing themselves.
Who actually wants a loan via crowdfunding?
Crowdlending (also P2P lending) has so far only been possible for private borrowers in Switzerland. Accordingly, the market is in direct competition with the traditional consumer credit market.
Crowdfunding Monitoring 2015 - Study on the Swiss crowdfunding market
In 2014, 15.8 million Swiss francs were raised through crowdfunding in Switzerland, compared to 11.6 million francs the previous year. This is shown by the "Crowdfunding Monitoring 2015" of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Swisscom.
Fintech on the rise
UBS today presented its best quarterly results in almost five years. UBS Group CEO Sergio Ermotti is very satisfied, but warns against exaggerated expectations. For challenges await. The young financial tech industry is setting out to outdo the banks in traditional services.
Why do we still need banks?
There is no more interest, but there are fees. We also get loans from the crowd - no longer just from the savings bank. Why do we still need banks - why do the banks need us customers?
Investors discover social lending
Private investors are discovering lending via internet platforms. The choice for local investors is manageable, the differences between the offers are large. This is something to keep in mind.
Record a CD, print a book, organise a concert: Creatives flirt with swarm money
The financing of projects or companies by a large number of people is in vogue, especially in the creative industries. Nevertheless, swarm financing is not for enthusiasts, because here, too, there is calculation.
Play bank and earn money
Not only banks grant loans. Private individuals can also give loans to other consumers and thus collect interest - via the internet. This is how so-called crowd lending works.
Fenomeno crowdlending
17I prestiti da privati sono una realtà in Gran Bretagna, in Svizzera siamo ai primordi
Review of the conference "Innovative Offers in Retail Banking
The conference "Innovative Offers in Retail Banking" took place on Thursday, 26 June 2014 at the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ and was attended by almost 120 people.
New competition for banks
Mortgage intermediaries as well as finance and crowdfunding platforms are increasingly fighting with banks for market share.
From the niche to the masses
The Swiss market is still in its infancy. Providers and experts expect high growth potential.
First study on the Swiss crowdfunding market
Crowdfunding Monitoring 2014 - first study on the Swiss crowdfunding market
The swarm of investors is forming
The Swiss market is still in its infancy. Providers and experts expect high growth potential.
Peer-to-peer lending
Private individuals invest in private individuals. Investors provide money for private loans. The model for peer-to-peer lending is as simple as that. Is it a niche offering or will the banks now have to tremble?
Free banking: Will the traditional bank soon be obsolete?
Data leaks are the side effect of a major digital upheaval in the banking business. But the innovations also bring advantages. Services are becoming more transparent, cheaper and better. Going to the bank counter is becoming increasingly superfluous.
Lend to your neighbour
Private individuals invest in private individuals. Investors provide money for private loans. The model for peer-to-peer lending is as simple as that. Is it a niche offering or will the banks now have to tremble?